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Welcome Friends!

Mamma Karma's is a space of soul and spirit healing through nature and intuitive guidance. At Mamma Karma's the belief is that spiritual/energy healing is a necessary tool for awareness of self and leads to a more positive mindset and body flow. Nature also plays a part in the rhythms in our life. We are made of unique energy signature. If we learn to tune and listen to that signature the rewards are endless. 

I provide Intuitive/psychic readings, Spirit/Energy healing, Oracle card readings and Vocal calming.


I have a tiny gift shop stocked with magical tools, crystals and other metaphysical items, art and vintage, unique treasures. I source many of my natural items from the quiet Vermont land. Whether you are new to the mystical way of life or fully immersed; I strive to create handmade items infused with positive energies and love.  

Please read more about me and my methods on my "About Me" page.


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